MENA: franchise scenario

Some facts and figures about Franchise in the MENA region.

The total population of MENA region is 320 Million – 60% > 25 years.

Regions population growth rate is 3-5% per year. One of the highest worldwide.

Franchise business is one of the fastest growing economic sector.

Egyptian sector grew from 25 International Brands in 1999 to 430 in 2012.

F&b sector is the biggest beneficiary of the growing economy in MENA.

UAE’s Franchise business is worth more then AED 1.1 Billion.

The Franchise industry in MENA worth over $30 Billion, growing at 27% y/b.

In the next 3 years 500.000+sqm of new Retail will enter the Dubai’s market.

1.5M sqm to be added over the next 6 years. Mall of the World will dominate.

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