Shortly after his escape from the island of Elba in 1815, when Napoleon first quoted the French proverb ‘Do not wash your dirty laundry in public’, he surely wasn’t familiar with the concept of a ‘laundromat’ (meaning laundry room)… umm, at least not literally! And voila, here we are in the 21st century and coin-operated, self service public laundries, for their sheer practicality, economy and modernity, have become an inherent way of cosmopolitan life all over the world!
The American giant, Alliance Laundry Systems, introduced its Speed Queen brand as ‘World’s No. 1 in Self Service Laundry’ over a century ago. Today, Speed Queen is a hallmark of revolutionized innovation in commercial laundry, industry-leading superior performance and reliability and is a choice of millions globally. After conquering the American market, the brand decided to make a foray into Europe. It chose DESITA for an all new concept design makeover to make its services appropriate for the general European consumer segment, that often associated the concept of self-service laundry with ‘suburbs’, ‘poverty’ and ‘social inequality’.
DESITA started working on the Speed Queen concept in January 2014. By the end of October, it not only revamped the Speed Queen concept design but truly revolutionized the self-service laundry model for the brand through concept restyling and making significant material and entertainment improvements that generated better user experience for the customers. From preparing furniture manuals and price lists to finding the right vendors to supply shortlisted furniture and graphics and even acting as general contractors for flagship stores – DESITA worked with Speed Queen all through the process, ensuring everything from ideation to final concept restyling was done within a set deadline and budget and to the client’s utmost satisfaction.
Keeping ‘innovation’ at the core of its concept reinterpretation, DESITA improved the overall functioning of Speed Queen by creating the right conditions and environment for process improvement and perfection. Importantly, it also assisted Speed Queen with contract development, which helped the brand to leverage the most lucrative terms and conditions for sustained profitability in a foreign market.
The new concept design developed by DESITA was tested across several stores throughout Europe and found to be an instant hit! Impressed with DESITA’s efforts of restyling an American concept and the end result it delivered, Speed Queen gladly decided to adopt the restyled shop design concept in all its laundries worldwide!
The good news reached team DESITA early in January 2015 stating “All Speed Queen laundries in the world will have the same image and features you have developed for us”.
What started as a single project, went on to become a hallmark design for all Speed Queen stores across the world; this indeed was a milestone achievement for DESITA.
In its long list of happy clients, Team DESITA is proud to feature another stellar brand – Speed Queen, ‘worldwide’!